Ferrocement Water Storage Tanks

Our Ferrocement Water Storage tanks are proven and unique. The Ferrocement water Tower tanks are most efficient from the point of earthquake and wind. The main reason is that self-weight of the Ferrocement water storage tank on the tower is less by more than 50% as compared to RCC. The surfaces of tank, have wire mesh immediately below. As such no repairs are required during its life time except rarely. The Ferrocement water storage tank consists of ferrocement plates of sizes about 1.2 x 1.1 mtrs. or so thickness about 20-30mm manufactured on machinery set up under controlled conditions. These are as strong as steel plates highly water proof and no phenomena of corrosion. No off and on painting is required as is for steel plate tanks. The water inside the tank shall remain more cool as compared to steel tank. These tanks are giving excellent performance. These tanks should give excellent performance even more than 30 years as per our information. We can carry out tanks of several lakhs capacity underground as well as overhead on tower or at terrace level. We have installed hundreds of ferrocement water storage tanks

Ferrocement tanks will last for about 25/30 years and more since ferrocement is a structural water proof material containing wire mesh reinforcement and can easily take the effect of day to day and seasonal temperature

Water remains comparatively much cool and hygienic and there is no bad taste or odour. These tanks can be insulated if required.

Ferrocement tanks can be manufactured up to any limit, say several Lakhs liters.

Ferrocement tanks have strong bottoms and are supported on ferrocement beam frame work. There is no question of phenomena such as corrosion.

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